“They are old swords, very old swords of the High Elves of the West, my kin. They were made in Gondolin for the Goblin-wars. They must have come from a dragon’s hoard or goblin plunder, for dragons and goblins destroyed that city many ages ago. … This, Gandalf, was Glamdring, Foe-hammer that the king of Gondolin once wore. Keep them well!”
–The Hobbit, Chapter 3
Elves are mythical and magical creatures in many forms of fantasy literature, and nowhere do they receive more attention than in J.R.R. Tolkien’s writings. The firstborn Children of the creator Iluvatar, the Elves’ long history winds through countless triumphs and tragedies written as only Tolkien could write. They awoke under the stars of Middle Earth in a time before the sun and the moon existed, and were beloved of the Valar – the gods of Middle Earth. Because of their great love for the Elves the Valar gathered a large number of them and brought them to the undying land of Valinor across the sea, keeping them safe from harm.
Alas, the Valar could not keep the Elves safe from their own foolish pride. While in Valinor the mighty craftsman Fëanor forged the holy Silmarils, gems of surpassing beauty, using the light that the Valar had brough into the world. Even though he had not created this light Fëanor was haughty about his work and denied them to any but his own hand. This created a deep divide between Fëanor’s allies and those loyal to the Valar, and into that divide crept Melkor the dark Valar.
Melkor stole the Silmarils and slew Fëanor’s beloved father, then fled to his fortress back in Middle Earth. What followed was centuries of bloody battles as first Fëanor and then his sons and their houses pursued Melkor and sought to strip him of the Silmarils that they believed were theirs by right. As the battles dragged on the sons of Fëanor and their allies began to set up kingdoms of their own to rule, and of these kingdoms none were so beautiful, so powerful, and so glorious and Gondolin.
Ruled by Turgon, nephew of Fëanor and High King of the Elves known as the Nolder, Gondolin was a city hidden deep in the mountains and accessible only by concealed paths. The city was
built in secret as the last bastion of safety for the Noldor, to be their seat of power from which to wage war upon the forces of darkness. The stories about Gondolin and its eventual discovery and destruction by the forces of Melkor are far too many to be included here (see The Silmarillion for more details), but what can be told is that from the forges of Gondolin came many mighty weapons of great power – and of these weapons, perhaps none are as famous as Glamdring the Foe Hammer.
A long sword of great beauty, Glamdrin belonged to the ruler of Gondolin. Turgon wielded Glambring in many battles including the Battle of Unnumbered Tears where the Elves and their allies were routed thanks to the treachery of men. Turgon likely used the sword as well during the fall of Gondolin, after which it became lost for thousands of years and might have passed out of Tolkien’s lore altogether. However, Glamdring actually makes its first appearance for most readers in the pages of The Hobbit, when Gandalf the Grey finds it in a troll-cave along with other Elven blades and treasures. Gandalf carries the sword for the rest of his adventures, and it likely accompanied him when he left Middle Earth and returned to his masters in Valinor.
A deep respect for Tolkien and his works was maintained during the creation of this battle ready sword. The smooth and subtle curves of the blade, guard and pommel were meant as a reflection of wisdom and understanding while the downward looping guard flows towards the curves of the blade in a form of dance between both parts. Despite this seemingly fragile aestheticism, this medieval fantasy sword is nothing but stern. It’s 2″ wide blade delivers destructive cutting blows with a very sharp tip, leading to equally devastating thrusts. The Sage fantasy sword is not only an eye catcher, it is also a definite force on the battle field.
As with all our battle ready swords, the Sage is hand forged with 5160 High Carbon Steel. The blade has been dual hardened. The Tang of the blade has been hot peened over the pommel.
Total length: 49″
Blade length: 36″
Crossguard: 10″
Handle and pommel 10″
Blade: 5160 High Carbon Steel
Fittings: Mild Steel
Weight : 4lbs 9oz.
POB : 4″
James (verified owner) –
Received much quicker than anticipated. Great sword in terms of pure beauty and practical use. However two things I must address are that well I ordered the edge sharpened it did come with an edge which while not overly sharp it is able to cut and the tip of the sword is also properly sharp . And this is best used for light cutting, what I mean by that is no hacking hard wood or metal targets with it. Its point of balance is where it is said to be on the site and that combined with its weight definitely make this a two handed sword. The scabbard fits the blade nicely and while it is snug the blade will fall out if turned upside down but not immediately. The one gripe I have is not major and that is there is a small bit of glue visible where the hilt and cross guard meet but I am totally cool with. Overall great buy everything the site says was correct so if you’re a fan of the Lord of the Rings and want a beautiful as well as practical sword I would highly recommend this.
John Sullivan (verified owner) –
Exceptional workmanship and such fantastic customer service. This was my first Darksword Armory purchase and I have to say I was hesitant due to some of the negativity circulated online.
I want to put any fears to rest for anyone considering Darksword Armory and is hesitant due to what I believe to be unfounded vitriol from internet trolls. This team is exceptional and I am so happy with the quality, durability and general standard of the work this team puts out and the communication is absolutely second to none.
I put this sword to work on a regular basis and I dont go easy. Let me say straight up that it has passed every test I’ve thrown at it. The tang is solid as hell. The quality of the steel is perfect. If you’re stupid enough to hack into trees then even the best quality sword will struggle but if you’re a student of HEMA, practical fantasy blades and/or interested in improving your cutting and general sword technique, these weapons will not let you down.
The blade came with factory sharpening which was perfectly acceptable and only needed a simple honing with a whetstone but this was fine because I am aware that shipping regulations put restrictions on this area and it was also a perfect opportunity for me to work on this skill myself.
Great work Darksword Armory! I’m already looking forward to my next purchase.
Eyal Azerad –
Hi John,
Thank you very much for the positive feedback ! very glad to hear that you like the sword.
Lio B –
I needed something special to propose to my girlfriend and, owning their Vindaaris sword already (which is amazing), I decided this was perfect. I asked Darksword if they could help me out with a slightly unique variant of this sage sword. They agreed and were extremely helpful throughout the whole process. The blade is beautiful in person. The fitting is superb. The feel of quality is there. You can spend more on brands like Albion if you’d like, but the scabbards from this company are great and getting everything together for the prices they charge is a damn good deal.
She said yes, by the way.
Thank you, everyone at Darksword.
thomas wright (verified owner) –
This was my first foray into medieval and fantasy swords and I am extremely pleased with the product I received! I went through many trial and errors learning about sword forging when building my katana collection and am happy to have hit upon a company of this caliber on my first try!
Blade is superbly forged, nice mirror finish, good sharp edge and tight fitting scabbard. Handle and guard are well fit and tight.
I will be ordering from Darksword exclusively in the future and recommend them for anyone looking for a high quality sword at a very affordable price!
Thomas Wright
jaredruscoe (verified owner) –
I bought Vindaaris and this sword. I have to say the Sage is more elegant and very fun to wield. This would be great vs fleshy opponents, Due to blade geometry I would stay away from hard object. This is truly a great piece, and it came sharp enough, but I spent some extra time with my ken onion sharpener and it hold a very very good edge, I think decapitation would only require a 70% swing due to the weight distribution in the leaf shaped blade
Andor (verified owner) –
I admit that I had my doubts when I placed the order. Although there are a few videos about the sword on YouTube, they are somewhat mixed, just like the opinions about DSA swords. As this is my first DSA sword, I was very excited. As a sword collector and HEMA fighter, I know a lot about swords and own more than 30 swords from various smiths and companies. My personal opinion is that Sage deserves 5 stars as well as DSA. The delivery was very fast and well packaged. The workmanship is very good, especially the polish. The sword is very solid and not too flexible, which was my biggest concern. As I ordered the blunt version of the sword, I can’t comment on the sharpening service. The color (blue) and the leather are also very well done. All in all a beautiful sword that deserves the name “Battle Ready”, I would take it into battle against orcs without hesitation. The sword is relatively heavy and somewhat top-heavy, which I think is due to the shape of the blade. For me, this is not a minus point as it is still very easy to wield. Thumbs up DSA and many thanks.