The Sword has long been a focal point in Myths, Legends, Norse Sagas and modern fantasy novels. In Greek, Medieval and modern heroic fantasy literature, the sword is the foremost symbol of leadership and justice. Capturing the essence of the heroic warrior, the Erland sword, ‘outsider or foreigner’ in old norse, personifies the modern vision of the heroic warrior.
From Frank Frazetta to Boris vallego and Seb Mckinnon, the image of the anti-hero and lone warrior conjures a sense of power, respect and authority amidst a precarious and treacherous world.
The Erland fantasy sword is the quintessential fantasy sword of the lone warrior. Individually Hand Forged with 5160 High Carbon Steel and dual Hardened, the Erland sword is the new evolved edition of the Guardian Sword. It is a powerful, functional fantasy sword of the ages.
Skilfully engineered to take considerable abuse, the Erland Fantasy sword is a resilient sword that is virtually indestructible! Designed with a dragon claw like guard and broad blade, the Erland fantasy sword delivers devastating blows. Inspired by the myths and legends of the fantasy realm, the Erland is a robust and affirmative sword of heroes among mortals!

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